Monday, June 18, 2012

Apple Coasters

I totally stole this from my favorite craft blog, but they're so cute I had to repost it here. FELT APPLE COASTERS! I went on my own shopping spree and went crazy with craft felts. It's so colorful, cheap, and easy to work with.

Print out the pattern here. Use a pencil to trace it all out. It's simple. Really. Here are my pieces, you'll need a stem, leaf, seeds, white inside, and a front and back piece in whatever apple-y color you please. I chose to do a green apple for you guys.

For some reason, I have a ton of embroidery thread left over from my friendship bracelet days. Sew the white inside, the seeds, and the front piece together. Then, position the leaf and stem, and sew on the back piece, making sure to pull the ends of the thread towards the center of the coaster.

And voilĂ ! They're absolutely adorable.  

Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Blog

You'll notice this is not my usual blog. This is a new blog! I figured I'd branch out so I could shamelessly promote a craft blog (not to worry, my old blog is still up and running) without ruining or alienating anything.

Let's vent for a moment about the domain name and the title of this blog. They are not the same. This is because Blogger (although I love the functionality of this site dearly) is full of old blogs using up domain names without being useful or up to date. Therefore, I decided to use the domain, even though the title of this blog is actually Casting Purls.

It's a pun, get it? Because "casting pearls" is an expression (look it up) and "purls" and "casting on" are knitting terms? Get it? It's cute!

I'll leave you with a list of other cute ideas I had that were already taken. Not that I'm bitter.

Mother of Purl
Girl with a Purl Earring
Needles in Haystacks
Knitty Gritty
Knit Picky
Spinning a Yarn

Cute right? Anyway, I had fun doing the new logo, and I'll probably keep tweaking things as we go. If you think it's too pink or you hate the name or want a different font or want to tell me you love me, leave a comment, as always!

Lots of love,